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Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas #3

So, I'm really bad at remembering things haha! So many funny things were said while we were opening presents and I remember until another funny thing is said and then I forget the one before! It's so annoying!! lol
But Mike's family can be so hilarious!
Mike and his brother got some summer sausage so there were lots of comments about whose was bigger! His grandma said she had had enough about sausage haha! And they ever had some sausage wars!
Mikes nephew is sooo funny too, he said "they are gonna go have fun" talking about Mike's brother and his girlfriend. And then a little bit later he opens the door and their aunts dog was outside and he turns around to all of us and goes "what do I do when it sniffs my sack". Kids say the darndest things! There were SO many more things that made me laugh and that were so funny but thank you horrible memory I don't remember them!!
I guess I just need to walk around with a pen and paper all the time to make notes about what people say!

Mikes mom got me some TOMS shoes! I was SO excited I've really been wanting a pair. If you don't know what TOMS shoes are, they are super awesome shoes and every pair of shoes you buy from them they give a pair away to a kid that doesn't have any shoes!! Makes me wanna buy like 50 pairs!! you can go to their website to check them out!!

We got some other cool stuff too that I will talk about later but it's late and I need to go to bed or Santa isn't gonna come to my house!!! lol

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