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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Isolated EIF

Yea, I had no idea what that meant either until I looked it up. Isolated EIF stands for an Isolated isolated echogenic focus.
When I had my sonogram the doctor saw an Isolated EIF on Brody's heart, I've done (or tried at least) to do some research on it since my doctor told me that just to see what it was all about but most of the information I find makes absolutely no sense to me! My doctor did tell me that they see this in healthy babies so as long as everything else is normal and he is growing fine that she doesn't worry about it but at my 28 week appointment I will have another sonogram to check on it again.
I actually just found a good article on this! It says that and EIF is seen in 1 out of every 20-30 pregnancies. And EIF can be associated with Downs Sydrome but that is not true in all studies. It actually kind of made me laugh when I told my mom about it, she was looking stuff up on it too and an EIF is more common in Asian people, she asked me if I was Asian lol, I said I don't know, am I? lol The good thing is that it more than likely won't cause any long term health problems or heart problems for babies who it's seen in (not that we would love him any less if it did).
Needless to say when my doctor told me about this I was a little freaked out, and I was at that appointment by myself! But I'm ok with it and can't wait for my 28 week sonogram so we can see how he is doing and of course I am so excited to get to see him again! I am going to try to either scan or take pictures of the ultra sound pictures soon so I can show them to everyone!

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