We know we have a cute baby but you are not allowed to save this! Sorry, it's for our safety!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Here's the story....

Sorry this is about 2 weeks late, little Mr has me on a very weird sleeping schedule right now so I haven't really had time to even think about this thing!

So if you remember from my 37 week post I had to go to the hospital after my Dr appointment because my feet were super swollen and my blood pressure was high. I didn't end up have preeclampsia but they put me on bed rest for Thurs while I did a 24 hr urine test and then on Friday I decided to stay home also just to rest some more so I didn't get super swollen again (and Fridays are only half days at work). So from Thurs through the weekend I didn't do much besides lay in bed or sit on the couch, I did go to Menards with my parents for an hour or so but other than that I just rested my little (or not so little) feet. I went to work on Monday and ended up just working half a day because I could feel my feet starting to swell and didn't want them to get huge again. Tuesday I had to go to the Dr to have a BPP (Biophysical profile) test done, I woke up that morning and my blood pressure was high so I stayed home. That afternoon I head to my Drs appointment (on a side note I got stopped on the way there, this darn cop came out of nowhere! Thankfully he just gave me a warning and told me to slow down, I think he felt bad that I was all big and pregnant lol). The lady takes me back to do the sonogram part of the BPP & she's showing me some different things but she never says whether everything is good or not, then the nurse comes in and takes my blood pressure & it was 144/110 (WHOA that was the highest it had been). Obviously she didn't have to tell me that it was high lol then the sono tech comes back in and told me that my fluid was low, she just wanted to wait and tell me till AFTER they took my blood pressure so that it didn't make it any higher (good idea cause it probably would have!) so I was suppose to do some other things with this test so they had me to go in the lab waiting room, the sono tech said they would either monitor my fluid and blood pressure till I go into labor or induce me (which she said would most likely be the case since I was far enough along, I was 38 weeks). I go into the lab waiting room and I probably was only in there for about 5 or 10 mins but it felt like FOREVER! A different nurse comes in and takes me to the consult room and says "Well the Dr thinks it would be best if you just headed to the hospital for them to induce you." They wanna WHAT, omg I dunno if I'm ready for this! lol so I head out to my car and call my mom and the only thing I say to her is "well we are gonna have a baby today" and she says "What! I will meet you at the hospital as soon as I can"...she beat me to the hospital! lol then I text my dad and said the same thing and he said WHAT then called me and said WHAT lol. And then I let my husband know and he left work went home to take a shower and get all the things we needed from there.

I get to the hospital and get all checked it and take up to my room. They get my IV of fluid going which made me have to pee what seemed like every 10 mins. lol they had to use a cervadil (or something like that) to thin everything out and that took 12 hours so we didn't even get started with actually inducing me until 5 the next morning. It took a little while for me to progress but I was eventually up to a 5 and then I went from a 5 - 9 1/2 pretty quickly. They thought they were going to have to break my water, they said they would come back in about a hour and they would break my water then and we would be on our way. I don't know if the Dr even had made it out the door and I told my nurse that I felt like something was leaking (I seriously felt like I had peed myself lol) She said that it could just be the gel they had used when they checked me so she look and nope it wasn't the gel, my water had broke! We were ready to go! So she gets everything ready for me to start pushing it was probably about 12 pm when I started pushing. I started out with "practice" pushes with the nurse & then she called the Dr in and we started the real pushing (thank God for epidurals by the way, I never would have been able to go through all that pain! That is definitely the best thing ever and made it not be as horrible and painful as I had always thought it would be). I probably pushed for about 45 mins, thanks to the help of my hubby and mom for pushing my legs. I didn't think I would want to look because it's pretty gross down there when you're having a baby lol but I decided to look and I think it helped me with my pushing SO much to see his head getting so close to being out and all I had to do was just push a little more! And then at 12:50 pm on June 13th Mr Brody Michael came into the world! It has definitely been a very tiring and long almost 2 weeks but I am so glad he is finally here! I can't wait till he starts doing a little more than just sleeping so I have some things to talk about on here! He has actually been a pretty good baby, he very rarely cries, I think he has only cried a couple of times since we brought him home. And I think he is kind of starting to get on a schedule, he still sleeps MOST of the time but we try to wake him up at about 8 or 8:30 so that he doesn't decide to stay up till 1 am, cause that is not fun! Hopefully soon we will have some things to talk about, but we have to go get ready for him to get his foot poked :(

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