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Sunday, June 10, 2012

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks

Total weight gain:
Uh I think  I was a little behind last week cause pretty sure I've gained like 40 lbs OMG SHOOT ME lol

Maternity clothes? Yup, definitely ready for some that are not though lol
Stretch marks? I think I got a few :( not on my belly though
Baby bump? Yup
Sleep: Definitely ready to sleep on my stomach again and not wake up to numb hands!!!!
Best moment this week:
Started by every week appts, this was not a very good week though!!
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach & not having to get up every hour to pee lol
Movement: Oh yes

Food cravings: Chocolate & more chocolate & ice cream! lol
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really

Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: I've been having some cramps/braxton hicks
Symptoms: Cramps, numbs hands, I had high blood pressure at my last appt so I've been watching that now.
Belly Button in or out'? It's almost flat with the belly lol

Wedding rings on or off? Off, and I feel so naked without it, I don't like it at all! lol
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have my days for both :)
Looking forward to:
Holding little man! That's about all that is left! lol

Well we had a pretty fun week! I went to my Dr's appt on Wed & my feet were really swollen and I ended up having pretty high blood pressure so my Dr sent me to Labor & Delivery to have some tests done. They did "hanging blood pressure checks" first where I had to sit with my feet hanging off the bed & they took 3 blood pressures 10 mins apart, good Lord did that thing squeeze my arm SO TIGHT! lol Then I got to sit back on the bed and they put these little straps on me (I didn't ask what they did but I think it was checking his heart beat) and had to do that for about 30 mins while still having my blood pressure taken every so often. Then they did an ultrasound, which I'm guessing everything was ok with because they never said anything was wrong, and we found out that he weighs 6 lbs! (makes me so hope he comes soon so I don't have to push out a big baby lol) Then I had some blood work done & they tested my urine. The Dr said that the test they did with that looked fine, so I really don't know what all the swelling and high BP was/is all about and I still really don't. They ended up making me collect my urine for 24 (SO not fun, especially in the middle of the night when you are half asleep and have to put your pee in a jug! lol) & was on bed rest for all of Thurs to make my swelling go down. I took my jug back to the hospital on Friday and my Dr's office called me and said my protein level was 219 & as long as it was under 300 it was good. So on Tues I have to go into the Dr and have a BPP (Biophysical Profile) done, which I think is basically the whole straps on my belly and sono thing again, but I guess they give you a score when they do the BPP and I guess it will kind of help determine if I need to be induced or if he will be fine to wait until he decides to come. So we will see what happens on Tues, I kind of having a feeling that he will come this week whether it's because I get induced or he just decides to come!

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