How far along? 21 Weeks
Total weight gain: I think about 5 lbs
Maternity clothes? Had to go buy some new pants last night, didn't buy maternity ones just some without buttons that will stretch!!
Stretch marks? Not yet :)
Baby bump? Yup, pretty sure you can tell
Sleep: Depends on the night, but most nights I cannot find a comfortable position!
Best moment this week: Today I got his room all cleaned out so now it is ready to be painted (after hubby fills in all the holes in the wall for me!)
Miss Anything? Buttoning my pants!! lol
Movement: Oh yes!
Food cravings: Chocolate all the time still!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just smells
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Just being really tired most of the time
Belly Button in or out'? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have my days for both :)
Looking forward to: Starting on the nursery and registering!!!
And NOW I will announce little mans name! I had a few names that I liked but the whole time I really thought it was going to be a girl so I had not even really thought of boy names! All the names that I suggested to hubby he didn't like (but he also had no ideas himself!! lol) so finally one day on my lunch break I text him a couple names I liked and we finally agreed on one, and then one we agreed on is..............
I am so glad he finally has a name and that I don't have to say "the baby" all the time lol and I feel like I can do more now that he has a name! lol
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