We thought we were going to have a big change! Hubby went to a job fair the other day and the Boeing Seattle guy told him he could get him a job out there. He came home and was telling me about it and my instant reaction was WHAAAAT!! ha ha! That is a looong ways from home (oh just like 30 hours!!!!!) Then we both started to get really excited about it! Well come the next day (yesterday) he wakes up and is like I think I got cold feet!! I KNEW HE WOULD DO THIS! ha ha! Then I text him later on in the day and asked him what he thought and I guess he decided just to stay around here!! Which for me was a big relief but kind of a bummer too, I was kind of excited to try somewhere new...even if it was 30 hours away from everyone I know!! Who knows maybe some time in the future we will venture outta our comfort zone of being with in minutes of our family, hopefully just not 30 hours away!!
Today I went and took some testing for a job for the county!! Hopefully I will get it!! I would be awesome and it's super great pay! And since it's for the county it would also be good benefits, good hours (NO NIGHTS!!! WOOHOO), and I would also have holidays off which is super wonderful too because who wants to work on holidays? NOBODY!! So keep that in your prayers that if it's the job that God wants me to have (which I really hope it is because I'm so bored with being a housewifey right now haha) that I will get it! I mean I love to be home to make supper for my hubby but with that job I would still be home before him so I could still do that...but being home alone all day while everyone is at work is no fun! If we had kiddos or I babysat or something it would be different but allllllllllllll day by my lonesome is nooo fun!! So keep me in yours prayers :D

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