I know I haven't updated in quite a long time but this is something I would like everyone to go and sign! It's a petition to have a law in place where a parent, legal guardian, or caretaker of a child has to report their death or them missing within a reasonable amount of time or it is a felony charge. If you don't know anything about the Casey Anthony Trial look it up and then sign this petition!
Before you were conceived I wanted you Before you were born I loved you Before you were here an hour I would die for you This is the miracle of love. --- Maureen Hawkins
We know we have a cute baby but you are not allowed to save this! Sorry, it's for our safety!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Website Coming Soon...
So I'm still in the process of making things and getting my website up. I'm going to be using Big Cartel and I'm so excited because it's a pretty easy website to use, even for someone like me that, right now at this point, knows very little about business!! I will definitely keep you guys updated once I get the site up, I already HAVE the site, it's just under maintenance right now because there's nothing on it! So I hope the weather starts to be nice soon so I have motivation to do something!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011
I am so excited!!
Since I lost my job I have been SUPER SUPER bored...I never realized I would hate not working so much haha! But I've been talking with my hubby about opening a store of my stuff that I've been making (tutu's, bows, I'm gonna start blinging out some picture frames and some make up brush holders/pencil cups! And I dunno what else). We decided that first I should start an online store and see how it goes and build up some money and if it's something I really enjoy and it goes good eventually we may open a store front but for right now we are just gonna do the online thing! I am SO beyond excited to get this started and have something to do to occupy my time besides just watching tv all day! I really hope that people love the stuff I make and it goes good! So if you could all just pray with me about it that would be super awesome!!

Monday, January 17, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
I have no idea why it is so hard for me to stick to things. I am absolutely horrible at it! The thing I am the WORST at sticking to though? WORKING OUT! I dunno why, I really wish I did! I know I would feel much better if I stuck to it and did it every day but it's SO hard for some reason!! I have no excuse NOT to do some kind of exercise everyday because I'm home all day but I would rather sit on facebook or watch tv I guess! ha ha! I wish I lived somewhere nice, I would love to take my dog for a walk every day! But of course its like 35 degrees outside and I don't feel like freezing or falling on ice! ha! But I think I'm going to maybe try to get out there and do it anyways, just bundle myself up and get out there! Uh well hopefully I can find something SOON to stick too! I'm gonna try to convince my hubby (yea probably not gonna happen but we can try!) to get me Just Dance or the Zumba for wii. Here's to hoping!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!
We thought we were going to have a big change! Hubby went to a job fair the other day and the Boeing Seattle guy told him he could get him a job out there. He came home and was telling me about it and my instant reaction was WHAAAAT!! ha ha! That is a looong ways from home (oh just like 30 hours!!!!!) Then we both started to get really excited about it! Well come the next day (yesterday) he wakes up and is like I think I got cold feet!! I KNEW HE WOULD DO THIS! ha ha! Then I text him later on in the day and asked him what he thought and I guess he decided just to stay around here!! Which for me was a big relief but kind of a bummer too, I was kind of excited to try somewhere new...even if it was 30 hours away from everyone I know!! Who knows maybe some time in the future we will venture outta our comfort zone of being with in minutes of our family, hopefully just not 30 hours away!!
Today I went and took some testing for a job for the county!! Hopefully I will get it!! I would be awesome and it's super great pay! And since it's for the county it would also be good benefits, good hours (NO NIGHTS!!! WOOHOO), and I would also have holidays off which is super wonderful too because who wants to work on holidays? NOBODY!! So keep that in your prayers that if it's the job that God wants me to have (which I really hope it is because I'm so bored with being a housewifey right now haha) that I will get it! I mean I love to be home to make supper for my hubby but with that job I would still be home before him so I could still do that...but being home alone all day while everyone is at work is no fun! If we had kiddos or I babysat or something it would be different but allllllllllllll day by my lonesome is nooo fun!! So keep me in yours prayers :D

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sunday it started to snow, on Monday it continued to snow! I kind of have mixed feelings about snow...it was so pretty coming down because it wasn't crazy windy like it always is!! I'm ok with snow when I don't have to go anywhere and I can just look at it being pretty, but I do not like it one bit when I have to go out in it! I also don't like the cold so snow just adds to it being cold!!
This was Zoe's first snow, she went out and came right back in!! She was definitely thinking "you expect me to pee out there" ha ha! I think she has finally gotten use to it! Sunday afternoon her and Marley were both pretty happy when my hubby came home and went outside and played with them a little in the back yard!
I think Zoe is like me and she will definitely be happy when it's warm again (i think her being a summer puppy makes her like the warm weather better ha ha!!)
This was Zoe's first snow, she went out and came right back in!! She was definitely thinking "you expect me to pee out there" ha ha! I think she has finally gotten use to it! Sunday afternoon her and Marley were both pretty happy when my hubby came home and went outside and played with them a little in the back yard!
I think Zoe is like me and she will definitely be happy when it's warm again (i think her being a summer puppy makes her like the warm weather better ha ha!!)

Monday, January 10, 2011
Crazy dogs...
Last night we had a scare with Zoe! Mike got home from work and he goes to the back room where the dogs are and see's that one of the dogs had thrown up. I started to look around and found shreds of a yellow box all over the floor...she had eaten RAT POISON!! Thankfully she had thrown it up so we didn't have to make her throw up. I had thankfully remembered that one of his friends wife worked at the emergency vet here so we got a hold of her and asked her what we should do and she told us to take her into the hospital. They took FOREVER even though we were the only ones in there! They had to take her temp in her butt! I felt so bad for her :( she was really good through it all though. The doctor came in and explained what the rat poison does and then gave us a prescription for some Vitamin K that we have to give her for the next two weeks! She is the biggest pain the butt to give pills too and these are way to big to hide in a treat so we just have to sit and make sure she eats it.
What the Vitamin K does is helps her blog start to clot again because rat poison makes rats (and other animals if they eat it!) blood then out and not be able to clot...it basically takes away their vitamin K. So we are gonna give her the Vitamin K, take her back to our regular vet to have them test her blood and make sure it clots ok with out the synthetic vitamin K and if it doesn't then she will have to be on the vitamin K for a little bit longer!!
I am just glad she is ok! I wish she wouldn't have ate it at all but it coulda been on a day when the regular vet was open so it didn't cost so much!! Silly dogs!
What the Vitamin K does is helps her blog start to clot again because rat poison makes rats (and other animals if they eat it!) blood then out and not be able to clot...it basically takes away their vitamin K. So we are gonna give her the Vitamin K, take her back to our regular vet to have them test her blood and make sure it clots ok with out the synthetic vitamin K and if it doesn't then she will have to be on the vitamin K for a little bit longer!!
I am just glad she is ok! I wish she wouldn't have ate it at all but it coulda been on a day when the regular vet was open so it didn't cost so much!! Silly dogs!

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Dog Park
We took the dogs to the dog park today. It was good and bad. It was good for them to be around other dogs and I'm pretty sure they loved it. It was bad because Zoe is a little brat/diva!
They have two fenced in areas one for bigger dogs and one for smaller dogs. There were a ton in the bigger dog area so Marley ran all over sniffing other dogs and running all over and he was pretty darn content. Zoe on the other hand had only ONE little lab puppy in the fenced in area for the small dogs and she acts like a complete brat! As soon as she sees the dog she runs at it barking and made its hair stand all the way up on it's back and then tried to fight with it!! Then another little dog came in and she wasn't too concerned with it for awhile but he was definitely concerned with her and followed her everywhere! Every time I threw the ball he would run too, not concerned with the ball just concerned with following her. Then I dunno what got into both of them but they had a little fight and then were ok. Silly puppies!!
And now some pictures.
They have two fenced in areas one for bigger dogs and one for smaller dogs. There were a ton in the bigger dog area so Marley ran all over sniffing other dogs and running all over and he was pretty darn content. Zoe on the other hand had only ONE little lab puppy in the fenced in area for the small dogs and she acts like a complete brat! As soon as she sees the dog she runs at it barking and made its hair stand all the way up on it's back and then tried to fight with it!! Then another little dog came in and she wasn't too concerned with it for awhile but he was definitely concerned with her and followed her everywhere! Every time I threw the ball he would run too, not concerned with the ball just concerned with following her. Then I dunno what got into both of them but they had a little fight and then were ok. Silly puppies!!
And now some pictures.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Still job hunting...
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that nothing has ever frustrated me more than trying to find a new job!! I mean it was really annoying when I had a job that I wasn't satisfied with and just wanted something else, but now that I don't have a job and I'm at home all the time AND I really need one, it's like uber frustrating!!
I just checked my email and the folder I have for the places I've applied to that send a "confirmation" email has 88 emails since October. EIGHTY EIGHT emails!! And I know I have applied to quite a few more than that, they just don't all send the little "confirmation email" or I have mailed my resume. Super duper frustrating!! And I'm pretty sure I have looked on pretty much every website I can think of for jobs and thought of as many companies as I can to look at their websites! AH!! I have been praying so much about it too...guess I just need to pray harder and God will bring me the job I am suppose to have!!
I just checked my email and the folder I have for the places I've applied to that send a "confirmation" email has 88 emails since October. EIGHTY EIGHT emails!! And I know I have applied to quite a few more than that, they just don't all send the little "confirmation email" or I have mailed my resume. Super duper frustrating!! And I'm pretty sure I have looked on pretty much every website I can think of for jobs and thought of as many companies as I can to look at their websites! AH!! I have been praying so much about it too...guess I just need to pray harder and God will bring me the job I am suppose to have!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011
It's a new year!
So our new years was pretty lame!! We went and ate at Chili's (cause we got a gift card for Christmas!!) and then came home and played a little bit of Family Feud on the wii and then watched Dick Clarks Rockin New Years Eve. We definitely struggled to stay awake until midnight...I think for me it was mostly because I was so bored!! And then we went to bed at about 12:05. Hopefully next year will be much more fun!!
New years day we always do Fondue at my grandmas! It's always nice because we don't get the WHOLE family together fro Christmas so it's nice to see everyone again since we probably haven't seen them since Thanksgiving!! It was yummy as always (is there ANYTHING better than chocolate and banana's??? I THINK NOT!! lol)
I am so looking forward to a GREAT 2011 and that in just a few months me and my hubby will be celebrating our ONE year anniversary!!! That is so crazy to think about!!! Hope everyone had a safe and fun new year!!
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