So I didn't do a 3 month update because not much had really happened so here is pretty much our 3-4 month update!
- He just started rolling over about a week ago, I missed it the first THREE times he did it! I walked out of the room and came back to find him on his tummy!! Now he does it constantly, but refuses to roll BACK over so he gets mad till we turn him over lol.
- He started eating oatmeal after his 4 month appointment. I think we may start on veggies next week, he has been downing the oatmeal like it's nothing!
- I think the biggest thing so far is....he started sleeping in his crib!!! It was definitely hard on ME the first night, I went in there several times, started at the monitor and could not fall asleep lol but he did good, he woke up a few times but he is doing really good now!
- He also go his first cold/ bug and is still trying to get over it and is on antibiotics, I sure hate his little cough and I hate I can't do anything about it. I am hoping between his medicine and the humidifier we got him that after the weekend he will be better
- I got a new job, I have mixed feelings about it! I am excited for us to do more, and have more money for ALL of us to do stuff and to be able to do more to make memories with Brody and our future kids but at the same time it is going to be SO hard to leave my sweet boy for 8 hours a day! But I know it will also be good for him to not be with me 24/7 and become independent, so please keep all 3 of us in your prayers on that!
- He "talks" sooooo much it is SO crazy! I believe it is the most adorable thing ever right now! He lets out laughs every so often but I am so excited for when he laughs a lot!
- At his 4 month Drs. appointment he weighed 17 lbs 7oz and was 22 inches long...he is growing like a weed! He's pretty on track with his clothes, he wears 3 mo clothes and size 2 shoes. He is wearing size 2 or 3 diapers, we have a few 2 left and then we may just move on to size 3 whic he wears at night. We will see what happens in the next few days once we run out
- He can hold on to things pretty well & always pulls his binky out of his mouth and holds on to it.
- He definitely loves mommy, daddy, nana (my mom), poppy (my dad), memaw (mikes mom) and grandpa alan! But it definitely seems like daddy and poppy can get him to talk the most!
I think that's all the things I can think of right now. Now for some pictures!
Second time trying oatmeal, first time he was tired so it lasted 2 mins lol. Those blue eyes, he is the cutest thing ever! |
4 month pictures! |
We are pretty good at this now! |
This happens a lot... |
And so does this...he loves that darn thumb! |
Another favorite picture! |
Little cutie! |
Got that thumb again! |
Cute in his striped long sleeve onesie, overalls and boat shoes! |