Today little man is ONE MONTH old, I cannot believe it! One month already, it has definitely been the most sleep deprived month of my life I think but so totally worth it! Being a mommy is the best thing ever, I love spending every minute of everyday with this little guy, even if all he does is sleep right now! lol
Some things we have discovered this month:
- This boy likes to sleep...A LOT, I didn't realize that he would sleep this much during the day, I mean literally almost all day! And then he wants to stay up until 1 am, or 2....or 3! But usually 1 which isn't too bad I guess but I am so ready for him to be awake more so that we can get a routine of some sorts.
- I knew while I was pregnant that I would probably not want to go back to work, but then when he came along that turned into REALLY not wanting to go back, being a mommy is the best job ever...we just have to convince daddy of that now :)
- He also likes to eat a lot....pretty sure he got that from his dad! lol He will usually eat about every 2-3 hours...I try to make him go 3 unless he just gets really upset and sometimes that happens at an hour and a half but not too often!
- At his 2 week appointment he weighed 8lbs 2oz (his birth weight was 6lbs 14oz) and he was 19 3/4" long (19" at birth) so he is a growing boy! I kind wish he would grow longer when he gains weight cause no pants fit him so he just has to wear onesies all the time with no shorts...and he has some really cute shorts dang it!!
- It's impossible to sleep when he sleeps....cause I would sleep all the time! I did that for the first week probably and still sleep a little later than I probably should most days because he keeps me up late! I know people tell me to enjoy this time with him and cuddle with him (which I do do A LOT lol) but I also can't let my house go to crap! So I just try to do a few things each day so I never have to spend a whole day cleaning the house, which stinks cause it seems like that's all I do, clean house, take care of baby, take care of hubby, cook, do laundry...but I wouldn't trade it for the world, I think I have become to semi enjoy cleaning and laundry lol.
- He enjoys tummy time...sometimes. You can definitely tell when he's over it though because he gets MAD, and sometimes he will even try to turn over the other day I seriously thought he was going too but he hasn't realized yet that his front half has to go with his back half to be able to do it lol. And then half the time tummy time turns into snoozing time, I don't know if he likes to sleep on his back or stomach more...I definitely can't blame him if he likes his stomach more...oh how I love being able to lay on my stomach again!!
And now some favorites from this month...
Angelcare Monitor
- We haven't used this too much yet because he is still sleeping in our room in a bassinet, but the few times he has slept in his bed for naps I feel like it works really well, if I forget to turn of the monitor when I take him out the alarm will sound so I'm guessing it works! lol A friend told me about this monitor and I read a TON of great reviews about it so I took the one back that we had (it was a video one that was bulky and I couldn't carry it around with me...although I am thankful the girls from work got it for me and it WAS on my registry...I just didn't realize how inconvenient it would be to not be able to carry it around with me) and I definitely love it so far!
Boppy Pillow
- I love it. He loves it. Daddy loves it. We all love it! It's so great to lay him in while we are sitting on the couch so he doesn't just have to lay on the couch and we can both interact with him (when he's not sleeping of course). It's one of the best things ever, we definitely thank Aunt Linda for it!!!
I also love my phone (iPhone 3GS) I am so glad my hubby bought me a good phone before he came so I have lots of ways to take pictures and share them with people now! Nana and Poppy get a new picture every morning! lol
Graco Pack 'N Play Travel Play Yard - Forest Friends On The Go
- This is what he sleeps in every night in our bedroom, it's nice because it can be used for a bassinet now and as a regular pack n play later on so we will always get use out of it not just for a couple of months like we would with a regular bassinet. I'm guessing he likes it too...and it's cute, not that he cares about that lol. I matches his swing which we also love.
Graco Pack 'N Play Travel Play Yard - Forest Friends On The Go
Well I think that's all for now. I don't think I have put up pictures of his nursery yet, I will have to make a post of that here soon!